RV Out West RV Out West

A Nomadic Chef: Eat Well on the Road

A. J. Forget is a chef, writer, photographer, traveler, and dilettante. He left a career as a wildland firefighter to pursue his lifelong passion of writing and his outlandish goal of a modern nomadic life. Currently, he is a carney and follows a circus around the United States. He lives in a converted school bus with his partner, a silversmith and dreamworker, and their eternally-sleepy dog, traveling the world in pursuit of natural beauty, grand adventure, and the tastiest food out there. He is an author of an upcoming cookbook, The Buslife Kitchen, and in this episode he sits down with us and discusses how we can eat well while on the road. In the Pit Stop, I share about a great state park in Northeast Washington State that my great grandmother used to travel to every summer all the way from Oxnard, Calif.

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